Terkini: ADUN Malim Nawar keluar DAP

15 June 2010

Ahli dewan undangan negeri Malim Nawar, Perak, Keshvinder Singh a/l Kashmir Singh dari DAP hari ini mengumumkan keputusannya untuk meninggalkan parti itu.Keshvinder berkata, beliau mengambil keputusan untuk keluar daripada DAP kerana kecewa dengan kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat di negeri Perak yang terlalu banyak berpolitik sehingga mengabaikan tugas sebagai wakil rakyat.

Beliau mengumumkan demikian pada sidang akhbar di Hotel Holiday Villa, di Subang, sebentar tadi.Pada pilihan raya negeri 2008, Keshvinder Singh mengalahkan calon Barisan Nasional Dr Chai Song Poh dengan majoriti 1,362 undi.
Dengan keputusan itu, bilangan pembangkang di dewan undangan negeri Perak sekarang ini adalah 27 orang berbanding 28 yang dikuasai oleh Barisan Nasional manakala wakil Bebas pula adalah 4 orang.


Inilah Barang-Barang Yang Dihalang Oleh Israel Dari Memasuki Gaza

08 June 2010

Wheelchairs and other items, that were aboard Gaza-bound ships 
which were intercepted by Israeli forces, are seen at a military storage
 facility near Tel Aviv, June 7, 2010. According to an Israeli Civil 
Administration spokesperson, Hamas has refused the transfer of the goods
 to the Gaza Strip. Turkey called for international punishment of Israel
 for its deadly raid on a Turkish Gaza-bound aid ship at a summit on 
Monday where Ankara will also urge an immediate end to Israel's blockade
 of the territory.
Wheelchairs and other items, that were aboard Gaza-bound ships which were intercepted by Israeli forces, are seen at a military storage facility near Tel Aviv, June 7, 2010. According to an Israeli Civil Administration spokesperson, Hamas has refused the transfer of the goods to the Gaza Strip. Turkey called for international punishment of Israel for its deadly raid on a Turkish Gaza-bound aid ship at a summit on Monday where Ankara will also urge an immediate end to Israel’s blockade of the territory.
An Israeli soldier stands next to boxes of medical supplies taken 
off the Gaza-bound flotilla of ships intercepted in a deadly Israeli 
navy raid last week and are being stored at the Tzrifin military base in
 central Israel, Monday, June 7, 2010. The Israeli Defense Ministry said
 in a statement that the humanitarian aid unloaded from the ships was 
taken to a Gaza crossing but returned to Israel after Hamas refused to 
receive the supplies.
An Israeli soldier stands next to boxes of medical supplies taken off the Gaza-bound flotilla of ships intercepted in a deadly Israeli navy raid last week and are being stored at the Tzrifin military base in central Israel, Monday, June 7, 2010. The Israeli Defense Ministry said in a statement that the humanitarian aid unloaded from the ships was taken to a Gaza crossing but returned to Israel after Hamas refused to receive the supplies.
Wheelchairs and hospital beds, taken off the Gaza-bound flotilla 
of ships intercepted in a deadly Israeli navy raid last week, are seen 
at the Tzrifin military base in central Israel, Monday, June 7, 2010. 
The Israeli Defense Ministry said in a statement that the humanitarian 
aid unloaded from the ships was taken to a Gaza crossing only to be 
returned to Israel after Hamas refused to receive the supplies.
Wheelchairs and hospital beds, taken off the Gaza-bound flotilla of ships intercepted in a deadly Israeli navy raid last week, are seen at the Tzrifin military base in central Israel, Monday, June 7, 2010. The Israeli Defense Ministry said in a statement that the humanitarian aid unloaded from the ships was taken to a Gaza crossing only to be returned to Israel after Hamas refused to receive the supplies.
A photographer stands beside wheelchairs, that were aboard 
Gaza-bound ships which were intercepted by Israeli forces, at a military
 storage facility near Tel Aviv, June 7, 2010. According to an Israeli 
Civil Administration spokesperson, Hamas has refused the transfer of the
 goods to the Gaza Strip.
Slides and mobility scooters, that were aboard Gaza-bound ships 
which were intercepted by Israeli forces, are seen at a military storage
 facility near Tel Aviv June 7, 2010. According to an Israeli Civil 
Administration spokesperson, Hamas has refused the transfer of the goods
 to the Gaza Strip. Turkey called for international punishment of Israel
 for its deadly raid on a Turkish Gaza-bound aid ship at a summit on 
Monday where Ankara will also urge an immediate end to Israel's blockade
 of the territory.
Slides and mobility scooters, that were aboard Gaza-bound ships which were intercepted by Israeli forces, are seen at a military storage facility near Tel Aviv June 7, 2010.
Shoes, taken off the Gaza-bound flotilla of ships intercepted in a
 deadly Israeli navy raid last week, are seen at the Tzrifin military 
base in central Israel, Monday, June 7, 2010. The Israeli Defense 
Ministry said in a statement that the humanitarian aid unloaded from the
 ships was taken to a Gaza crossing only to be returned to Israel after 
Hamas refused to receive the supplies.
Shoes, taken off the Gaza-bound flotilla of ships intercepted in a deadly Israeli navy raid last week, are seen at the Tzrifin military base in central Israel, Monday, June 7, 2010. The Israeli Defense Ministry said in a statement that the humanitarian aid unloaded from the ships was taken to a Gaza crossing only to be returned to Israel after Hamas refused to receive the supplies.

Bebaskan Kepungan Gaza….

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators gather during a rally outside the 
gates to the Israeli Embassy in London, Saturday, June 5, 2010, to 
denounce Israel's raid on a flotilla of ships carrying aid and 
pro-Palestinian activists to the blockaded Gaza Strip.
Pro-Palestinian demonstrators march, back-dropped by Big Ben in 
London, Saturday, June 5, 2010,as they head towards the Israeli Embassy 
to denounce Israel's raid on a flotilla of ships carrying aid and 
pro-Palestinian activists to the blockaded Gaza Strip.
People march through the streets of Zurich during a 
Pro-Palestinian demonstration against Israel's raid on a Gaza-bound aid 
flotilla June 4, 2010. Israeli marines boarded the Turkish aid ship 
bound for Gaza on Monday and at least nine pro-Palestinian activists 
were killed, triggering a diplomatic crisis and an emergency session of 
the U.N. Security Council.


Serang ekonomi rejim zionis Israel

07 June 2010

KUALA LUMPUR, 7 Jun: Timbalan Presiden PAS, Nasharuddin Mat Isa meminta kerajaan Malaysia melakukan serangan ekonomi ke atas rejim zionis Israel.
Malaysia, katanya perlu melakukan usaha kolektif bersama negara antarabangsa bagi melumpuhkan ekonomi Israel.
"Maka usaha kolektif perlu dilakukan bagi menyekat dan melumpuhkan ekonomi negara haram Yahudi," katanya yang juga Ahli Parlimen Bachok semasa membahaskan usul mengecam tindakan rejim zionis Israel terhadap misi kemanusiaan ke Gaza di Dewan Rakyat, petang ini. Usul itu dikemukakan oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak pagi tadi.
Kempen boikot juga, katanya perlu diperhalusi dan dijalankan secara sistematik dengan mengambil kira nasib pekerja negara ini di syarikat berkaitan.
Selain itu, beliau turut mencadangkan agar Malaysia memenuhi kebajikan pelajar Palestin di Malaysia seperti bantuan biasiswa dan kesihatan sebagai sokongan perjuangan rakyat Palestin.
"Bagaimana kita harus membantu rakyat Palestin khasnya golongan muda. Saya ingin mendapatkan penjelasan berapa banyakkah biasiswa atau kemudahan pelajaran yang diberikan kepada rakyat Palestin yang datang belajar di Malaysia," katanya.
Tambahnya, pintu sempadan Rafah yang kini dibuka perlu digunakan sebaik mungkin menyalurkan bantuan perubatan seperti dibuat kepada negara Bosnia.
Beliau juga menggesa agar kerajaan Malaysia menjadikan isu Palestin sebagai agenda kerajaan dan memperhebat program kesedaran kepada rakayat.
Menurutnya, kerajaan juga perlu mengurangkan program hiburan agar anak muda tidak lupa isu Palestin ini.
"Anak muda di sana dibunuh dengan peluru, di sini dengan hiburan," ujarnya. 

Nazri Abdullah 


Berita bergambar - Sembahyang hajat menentang israel anjuran kerajaan selangor

04 June 2010

Muslims perform a special prayer in support of Palestinians to   
protest against the Israeli storming of a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, in   
Shah Alam outside Kuala Lumpur June 3, 2010. Israeli marines stormed the
   Turkish aid ship bound for Gaza on Monday and at least nine   
pro-Palestinian activists were killed, triggering a diplomatic crisis   
and an emergency session of the U.N. Security Council.

Muslims perform a special prayer in support of Palestinians to   
protest against the Israeli storming of a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, in   
Shah Alam outside Kuala Lumpur June 3, 2010. Israeli marines stormed the
   Turkish aid ship bound for Gaza on Monday and at least nine   
pro-Palestinian activists were killed, triggering a diplomatic crisis   
and an emergency session of the U.N. Security Council.
Malaysian Muslims offer prayers during a special prayer for the   
victims of Israel's deadly raid on aid ships bound for Gaza in Shah   
Alam, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Thursday, June 3, 2010. Israel's  
 army has been using confiscated videos to justify its deadly raid   
against a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, and the Foreign Press Association   
wants it to stop.
Malaysian Muslims offer prayers during a special prayer for the   
victims of Israel's deadly raid on aid ships bound for Gaza in Shah   
Alam, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Thursday, June 3, 2010. Israel's  
 army has been using confiscated videos to justify its deadly raid   
against a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, and the Foreign Press Association   
wants it to stop.
  young Muslim girl wears a Palestinian scarf as she performs a special 
  prayer in support of Palestinians to protest against the Israeli   
storming of a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, in Shah Alam outside Kuala Lumpur
   June 3, 2010. Israeli marines stormed the Turkish aid ship bound for 
  Gaza on Monday and at least nine pro-Palestinian activists were 
killed,   triggering a diplomatic crisis and an emergency session of the
 U.N.   Security Council.
  Muslim woman cries as she reads a prayer during a gathering in support
   of Palestinians to protest against the Israeli storming of a 
Gaza-bound   aid flotilla, in Shah Alam outside Kuala Lumpur June 3, 
2010. Israeli   marines stormed the Turkish aid ship bound for Gaza on 
Monday and at   least nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed, 
triggering a   diplomatic crisis and an emergency session of the U.N. 
Security   Council.
Muslims wear headbands in support of Palestinians during a special 
  mass prayer to protest against the Israeli storming of a Gaza-bound 
aid   flotilla, in Shah Alam outside Kuala Lumpur June 3, 2010. Israeli 
  marines stormed the Turkish aid ship bound for Gaza on Monday and at  
 least nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed, triggering a   
diplomatic crisis and an emergency session of the U.N. Security   
(sembahyang hajat menentang israel anjuran kerajaan selangor)


Gaza: Kenyataan rasmi MB Kelantan

03 June 2010

Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Saya mewakili Kerajaan Kelantan dengan ini mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya tindakan rejim Yahudi Israel yang menyerang kapal konvoi bantuan kemanusiaan ke Gaza dan sehingga mengorbankan dua puluh (20) nyawa.

Konvoi ini dilaporkan membawa kira-kira sepuluh ribu (10,000) tan barangan bantuan, seramai lebih lima ratus empat puluh (540) orang menaiki kapal Mavi Marmara, termasuk Ahli Parlimen, ahli akademik, ahli NGO petugas media, ulama’, seorang kanak-kanak berumur kurang daripada satu tahun dan juga seorang warga emas berumur lebih daripada lapan puluh tahun. Termasuk dalam rombongan tersebut juga ialah dua belas (12) orang rakyat Malaysia yang turut menjadi tawanan Yahudi Israel.

Sesungguhnya konvoi itu adalah bukan merupakan konvoi tentera dan tidak berangkat ke Gaza dengan tujuan ketenteraan, ia adalah misi kemanusiaan.

Paling penting ialah saya menyeru para ulama’ seluruh dunia dapat bangkit, tunaikan Solat Hajat dan mohon pertolongan Allah S.W.T. demi menyelamatkan umat Islam dan rakyat Palestin termasuk di Gaza.

Saya juga menggesa Majlis Keselamatan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) memberi teguran keras terhadap rejim itu. Saya juga menyeru agar Pertubuhan OIC dan negara-negara Islam turut menyertai bantahan ini bagi membuktikan kesungguhan membela nasib rakyat Palestin.

Hakikatnya tingkah laku biadab Israel ini berpunca dari kefahaman bahawa mereka merupakan bangsa yang terpilih dan mulia berbanding bangsa-bangsa yang lain. Bagi mereka, hanya mereka yang berhak hidup di bumi ini dan bangsa-bangsa lain hanyalah bertaraf hamba kepada mereka. Ekoran kefahaman sesat seperti inilah, mereka langsung tidak berasa bersalah melakukan kezaliman terhadap rakyat Palestin. Inilah bahayanya fahaman ‘asobiyyah melampau yang dianuti oleh Yahudi. Selagi fahaman kebangsaan melampau seperti ini menjadi anutan mana-mana pihak, keamanan tidak akan dapat dikecapi di bumi ini.

Oleh kerana itu, saya selaku Menteri Besar Kelantan akan menganjurkan satu Kuliah Pagi Jumaat, pada 21 Jamadil Akhir 1431 (lusa) khusus berhubung dengan isu tindakan tidak bertamadun rejim Israel itu. Disebabkan Kuliah Jumaat ini penting, maka kita akan adakan di pekarangan Stadium Sultan Mohd. Ke-IV, Kota Bharu.

Pihak Kerajaan Negeri juga akan mengadakan Solat Hajat berserta bacaan Qunut Nazilah ditempat yang sama. Maka saya harapkan kerjasama semua pihak, muslimin dan muslimat agar dapat hadir beramai-ramai sebagai tanda kita mengutuk perbuatan zalim Yahudi Israel itu dan dapat sama-sama kita berdoa ke hadrat Allah demi keselamatan, keamanan dan kesejahteraan umat Islam dari kerakusan Yahudi – Israel.

Saya juga akan mohon kerjasama pihak Majlis Agama Islam Kelantan (MAIK) agar mengarahkan semua masjid di Kelantan menunaikan Solat Hajat dan bacaan Qunut Nazilah serta dapat menyediakan satu Khutbah Khusus mengutuk Israel/Yahudi untuk para khatib persembahkan kepada semua ahli jemaah Sembahyang Jumaat yang terdekat ini (lusa).

Terima kasih.

Pejabat Menteri Besar,
Kota Darulnaim.
19 Jamadilakhir 1431
2 Jun 2010.


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02 June 2010


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